Child Counselling and its Benefits

Child engaged in activity with adults.

Child Counselling and its Benefits

At our clinic in Kelowna, we offer child counselling, a kind of therapy that can help improve
children’s behavioural problems, emotional difficulties and self-esteem.

Children often show signs of resiliency, being able to bounce back strongly after obstacles they
experience. However, this does not mean they do not experience challenges like teenagers and
adults do. The environment in which a child grows up can have a major impact on their
development and positive experiences they have in the present and the future. Schooling and
family dynamics are consistent factors that provide the ability to learn, socialize and manage
own’s own emotions. If these needs are not met, there could be consequences in the future, so
it’s better to intervene as young as possible to ensure the best moving forward for the child.


Dealing with emotions and providing coping skills

Emotional regulation can be difficult for children as they often do not yet understand why they
are feeling the feelings they feel, and how to manage them. It’s common for families and
teachers to struggle to handle kids’ emotional needs, but working on these skills through therapy
is an effective way to avoid these difficult situations. Also, it’s beneficial for children to have an
outlet outside of their family and school, to talk with someone. There may be worries or thoughts
they do not tell their family or teachers if they are afraid of their judgment, or the child might not
understand what the worries are or why they are behaving in the way they are. Counselling can
help provide children with appropriate coping skills to succeed to their fullest potential.
Academic pressure, friend problems, bullying, trauma and family issues are just a few challenges
many children face. It’s possible their close ones don’t take these issues seriously as they are
children, but children’s mental health deserves attention too!


Addressing and improving behavioural issues

Behavioural challenges are very common in children. Aggression, withdrawal and disobedience
are a few examples of problematic behaviours that tend to occur in children. Often, it’s a difficult
task to take on for parents and teachers. It could also be interfering with their academic success
or social relationships. This is where counselling can come in and help find the reasons for the
behavioural issues, then working towards improving them. Counsellors use a variety of techniques, like talking through the underlying problem or relearning how to perform a
behaviour more appropriately.


Building Self-Esteem

Children often face issues with comparison to peers with regard to academic success, social
relationships, athletic abilities or physical appearance. These factors often contribute to lower
self-esteem, which is the judgment of worth you give yourself. It’s generally determined by how
successful we are in doing things we find important. Additionally, children living in an
unstructured or inconsistent environment tend to have lower self-esteem. Building positive self-
esteem in children is important as it provides them with a proper foundation to move forward as they grow up, working towards feeling confident in themselves. Counselling can help the child
feel heard, validated and worthy.


Overall, child counselling is a productive way to improve the mental well-being of young ones and increase their chances of have better mental health as they grow older. The counsellor will work with the child according to their needs and their age, encouraging more appropriate thoughts, behaviours and emotional regulation. Book an appointment for child counselling now!


Kelowna Chiropractic & Counselling | 250 868 8086


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