Osteopathy and its Benefits

Chiropractor examining patient's leg during therapy.

Osteopathy and its Benefits

At our clinic here in Kelowna, we offer osteopathy. This treatment treats a variety of problems
and also has several benefits.

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathic practitioners view the body as a whole functioning unit while striving to find the
root cause of pain. They use manual therapy and skilled palpitation to help improve the overall
health and wellbeing of the individual, while also treating symptoms with importance to structure
and function. It emphasizes that wellbeing comes from the neurological, musculoskeletal,
visceral structures in the body. They analyze how joints, muscles, nerves, skeleton, circulation,
internal organs, and connective tissues work together, keeping in mind the patient’s homeostatic
mechanisms (mechanisms that keep the body regulated and balanced). Overall, aiming to find a
balance to increase their health and wellness.

What is Osteopathy? OsteopathyBC

What does it treat?

Osteopathy can treat several problems, for example:

  • Headaches
  • Concussions
  • Sleep or daytime energy issues
  • Neck or back pain
  • Issues with digestion, menstruation or respiration
  • Car accident injuries
  • Muscle or joint pain
  • Jaw issues
  • Recurring strains
  • Support pre and post-natal

Benefits of Osteopathy:

  • Pain relief
  • Better range of motion
  • Better circulation
  • Healing from trauma
  • Hormonal balance
  • Better posture
  • Less stress and tension

Book an appointment now for Osteopathy and begin to experience the array of benefits!


Kelowna Chiropractic & Osteopathy | 250-868-8086

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