Tag: acupuncture

A woman standing on top of a beach with her arms up.

Wellness and Preventative Care

  Wellness and Preventative Care In our journey to understand wellness, it’s crucial to grasp the significance of preventative care. Transitioning from reactive to proactive healthcare can revolutionize our well-being. By addressing potential issues before they escalate, proactive care empowers individuals to take charge of their health. What is preventative…
A person is getting ready to use acupuncture needles.

How Acupuncture Helps with Weight Loss

How Acupuncture Helps with Weight Loss Acupuncture can target many biologic systems with specific acupoints. Modulation of the nervous system, endocrine system, and digestive system with acupuncture can enhance your body’s ability to achieve homeostasis and altogether manage weight loss. Let’s explore how this holistic approach influences key bodily functions…
A woman running on the beach at sunset.

What is Wellness?

What is Wellness? Improving wellness will show up in many aspects of life as it relates to everything we do, every day. It’s helpful to be aware of the different dimensions of wellness so that you can can strive for healthier behaviours and balance. All dimensions influence each other, when…
A person is getting acupuncture on his back.

Acupuncture and Gastrointestinal Health

Acupuncture and Gastrointestinal Health The ancient practice of acupuncture has gained significant popularity in recent years as a complementary therapy for a wide range of health conditions. Among its many applications, acupuncture has shown promise in promoting gastrointestinal and gut health. This blog post explores the science behind acupuncture and…
A woman holding her hand to her face.

TMJ Disorders & Treatments

TMJ Disorders & Treatments In our fast-paced, stress-laden lives, we often unknowingly carry the weight of our tensions and anxieties in our bodies. One area that frequently bears the brunt of this strain is the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ. Temporomandibular disorder (TMD), is a common yet often misunderstood condition that…
A man with glasses is sleeping on his desk

Acupuncture & Fatigue

Acupuncture & Fatigue Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that is an effective treatment for stress relief and fatigue. This type of treatment particularly offers a non-drug approach for stress management! Why acupuncture for experiencingfatigue? Fatigue may present in a mental, physical or emotional form. Traditional Chinese…