Chiropractic Care for CrossFit & Skiing Injuries How many CrossFitters does it take to change a light bulb? Three: one to do it in record time, one to film it, and one to complain about proper form. All jokes aside, being a stickler about proper form is key in…
Sciatica & Chiropractic Care Do you have pain that extends from you lower back down into your legs and feet? If you do, the cause might be easy to identify. The pain could be coming from compression to your sciatic nerve, and it’s how sciatica got its…
Motor Vehicle Accidents (MVAs) You’re driving to work on a rainy morning in Kelowna and you’re making a turn onto another road. You have to slow down suddenly in the turning lane and someone rear ends you because they were going too fast to stop. What do…
Top 10 Tips for Sitting At Work So, your back and neck hurt constantly. You’re sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen all day at work and you don’t have any pain relief until you are up and moving. What could be the cause? A…
Chiropractic Care for Knee and Ankle Injuries Millions of people across the globe have had some sort of surgical work done on their knees or ankles. Even more people avoid contacting their doctor about their knee or ankle pain because they don’t want to go through…