Category: sleep quality

Chiropractic adjustment session in progress.

Top 10 Reasons to Try Kinesiology

Top 10 Reasons to Try Kinesiology When it comes to improving your health, achieving optimal performance, and addressing both physical and emotional well-being, kinesiology might be the holistic approach you’re looking for. A branch of alternative medicine that uses muscle testing to assess imbalances in the body, kinesiology helps to…
A woman running on the beach at sunset.

What is Wellness?

What is Wellness? Improving wellness will show up in many aspects of life as it relates to everything we do, every day. It’s helpful to be aware of the different dimensions of wellness so that you can can strive for healthier behaviours and balance. All dimensions influence each other, when…
A man sleeping in bed with his eyes closed.

8 Factors That Contribute to a Quality Sleep

8 Factors That Contribute to a Quality Sleep Sleep is an important part of our daily well-being that many people take for granted. Sleep can affect memory, mood, alertness, and several other key parts of daily functioning. Some factors may impact sleep like work and school, making it a difficult…
A man getting his back touched by someone else

5 Benefits of Massage Therapy

5 Benefits of Massage Therapy   In a world where stress seems to be an unwelcome companion and restful sleep feels elusive, the allure of massage therapy as a remedy has steadily gained traction. There are countless benefits to getting a massage beyond relaxation alone. Here are five compelling reasons…

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