Acupuncture & Stress Management Acupuncture is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that is a very effective treatment for stress relief. This type treatment offers a non-drug approach for stress management! How does stress affect our body? Regardless of your lifestyle, finding the right stress relief treatment is important…
Insomnia & Acupuncture Care Sleep is a special state of the body, brain and mind during which we not only restore our capability to startanother day but also repair, detoxify, and heal ourselves, on both aphysical and mental level. In essence, our wellbeing depends on good sleep. Research continues…
Sciatica & Chiropractic Care Do you have pain that extends from you lower back down into your legs and feet? If you do, the cause might be easy to identify. The pain could be coming from compression to your sciatic nerve, and it’s how sciatica got its…
How Chronic Fatigue Can Be Resolved with Chiropractic Care Do you constantly feel like you just can’t get enough sleep? Has sleep lost its refreshing magic that it once had? Are you getting frustrated with your inability to focus, concentrate, or remember things? If you…
What is Fibromyalgia? Not many people are aware of what fibromyalgia is. Characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, heightened response to pressure, fatigue, and localized tenderness, fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder. It is believed that fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way your brain processes pain signals. Doctors…
Usually, each day we wake up we can predict how our day will go. We have an outlined schedule that we follow, and we adapt to adjustments throughout the day because they are often minor. We establish a routine that makes us feel safe and comfortable. Routines give us a…
Anyone who’s ever been in a similar situation—and that’s all of us—can empathize. Even with tasks we've done a million times—like speaking a second language, walking up stairs, or navigating the grocery store—under pressure or observation, we get psyched out. We lose the most basic skills. Lorem ipsum dolor sit…