How Acupuncture Helps with Weight Loss Acupuncture can target many biologic systems with specific acupoints. Modulation of the nervous system, endocrine system, and digestive system with acupuncture can enhance your body’s ability to achieve homeostasis and altogether manage weight loss. Let’s explore how this holistic approach influences key bodily functions…
What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? The carpal tunnel is formed by the 8 bones in your wrist called your carpals and the fibrous fascial connection which support them. This connection creates a tunnel between the fibrous tissue and carpals which allows the median nerve and forearm tendons to…
What are “normal feet”? Have you ever thought about how your body is similar to the Leaning Tower of Pisa? Simple enough, if the base of your body is not properly supported, the rest of your body is going to be misaligned and can throw off your pelvis, which…