Category: Registered Massage Therapist | Kelwona

A man sitting on the ground with his hands in his legs.

Chiropractic Care for Knee and Ankle Injuries

Chiropractic Care for Knee and Ankle Injuries       Millions of people across the globe have had some sort of surgical work done on their knees or ankles. Even more people avoid contacting their doctor about their knee or ankle pain because they don’t want to go through the…
A person is using acupuncture needles on the back of a woman.

Why Combine Acupuncture with Chiropractic Care?

Why Combine Acupuncture with Chiropractic Care?     Acupuncture Kelowna Here at Harmony Chiropractic and Wellness Clinic in Kelowna, we are excited to welcome two amazing acupuncturists to our team of highly skilled health practitioners. Did you know that acupuncture can help speed up the healing process that is prompted…
A person is sleeping on the table with their head down.

Chronic Fatigue & Chiropractic Care

How Chronic Fatigue Can Be Resolved with Chiropractic Care           Do you constantly feel like you just can’t get enough sleep? Has sleep lost its refreshing magic that it once had? Are you getting frustrated with your inability to focus, concentrate, or remember things? If you…