Category: Registered Massage Therapist | Kelwona

How Sports Massage Can Improve Performance

How Sports Massage Can Improve Performance In the realm of sports and fitness, achieving peak performance isn’t just about physicality, it’s also about how well your body can recover and adapt to rigorous training. Enter deep tissue massage, otherwise known as sports massage; a specialized form of therapy that has…
A woman running on the beach at sunset.

What is Wellness?

What is Wellness? Improving wellness will show up in many aspects of life as it relates to everything we do, every day. It’s helpful to be aware of the different dimensions of wellness so that you can can strive for healthier behaviours and balance. All dimensions influence each other, when…
A man getting his back touched by someone else

5 Benefits of Massage Therapy

5 Benefits of Massage Therapy   In a world where stress seems to be an unwelcome companion and restful sleep feels elusive, the allure of massage therapy as a remedy has steadily gained traction. There are countless benefits to getting a massage beyond relaxation alone. Here are five compelling reasons…
A woman holding her hand to her face.

TMJ Disorders & Treatments

TMJ Disorders & Treatments In our fast-paced, stress-laden lives, we often unknowingly carry the weight of our tensions and anxieties in our bodies. One area that frequently bears the brunt of this strain is the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ. Temporomandibular disorder (TMD), is a common yet often misunderstood condition that…
A woman in yellow shirt holding her arm up.

Volleyball Shoulder Injuries & Chiropractic

Volleyball Shoulder Injuries & Chiropractic Volleyball is one of the most popular sports in the world although it comes with many common injuries. Repetitively spiking, serving, blocking or improper techniques can cause shoulder injuries. This can result from the overuse of the rotator cuff muscles or instability of the shoulder…
A man sitting on the ground holding his arm.

Athletic Injuries & Chiropractic

Athletic Injuries & Chiropractic   With the Okanagan beauty at our fingertips, there is no shortage of outdoor exploring and physical activity to do. Getting outside and exercising is a great way to improve your overall health and quality of life, from elite athletes to weekend warriors. But being able…
A woman is holding her hand out to someone

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & Chiropractic

    What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? The carpal tunnel is formed by the 8 bones in your wrist called your carpals and the fibrous fascial connection which support them. This connection creates a tunnel between the fibrous tissue and carpals which allows the median nerve and forearm tendons to…
A man is crouching down on the track

Chiropractic Care to Treat & Prevent Sports Injuries

Chiropractic Care to Treat & Prevent Sports Injuries Often we hear of professional athletes suffering a traumatic, possibly career ending, injury. The public debate on whether or not they can resume play can go on for weeks. However, it isn’t only the professionals that sustain injuries while practising the sport…
A person is holding the back of another person.


Infant & Children Chiropractic Care   Why should my Child see a Chiropractor? A Chiropractor with special interest in Children and Baby’s Chiropractic Care can help your child heal from the many musculoskeletal burdens of childbirth and during general development. The Chiropractor can address many areas of your child’s health…
A woman sitting on the bed with her hands and feet.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help with Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis & Chiropractic   With nearly 2 million North American’s dealing with plantar fasciitis, it’s a very common problem that requires attention. Sadly, though, many people ignore their symptoms and discomfort until it becomes debilitating or until they have more time to get treatment. But, treating and alleviating plantar…