Category: rehab

A person is holding their back while another person touches her shoulder.

What is Osteopathy?

What is Osteopathy? In the realm of healthcare, various approaches exist to facilitate the body’s natural healing process. Osteopathy, often misunderstood or conflated with other medical practices, stands as a distinct holistic approach to rehabilitation. Osteopaths, or manual osteopathic practitioners, focus on hands-on therapies, emphasizing the body’s musculoskeletal system and…
A doctor is bandaging someone 's leg.

Sprains vs Breaks

Sprains vs Breaks Connective tissue injuries are common occurrences that affect the musculoskeletal system, causing discomfort and impairing movement. Among these injuries, two prevalent types are sprains and breaks. While both affect the skeletal system, they differ significantly in their nature, severity, and recovery processes. Connective Tissues Connective tissues constitute…