Tag: chiropractic

A young girl sitting on the bed with her hand up to her head.

Concussions & Chiropractic Care

Everything to Know About Concussions and Chiropractic Care What is a concussion? A concussion is a common, sometimes debilitating brain injury that reflects impairment of brain function. Concussions, or mild traumatic brain injuries, are caused by a rapid movement that forces the brain to move back and forth rapidly inside…
A person holding their hand in pain near a computer keyboard.

Hip & Wrist Pain

Hip & Wrist Pain       What does all physical pain have in common? It causes discomfort to a patient. Pain can happen anywhere in your body, with some types of pain occurring at the ball-and-socket joints.  The hip is a true ball-and-socket joint along with the shoulder, while…
A doctor holding up a clipboard with the word sciatica written on it.

Sciatica & Chiropractic Care

Sciatica & Chiropractic Care     Do you have pain that extends from you lower back down into your legs and feet? If you do, the cause might be easy to identify. The pain could be coming from compression to your sciatic nerve, and it’s how sciatica got its name. …
A woman is using her laptop on the desk

Bad Posture & Chiropractic

Bad Posture & Chiropractic       You probably remember as a kid being told to “stop slouching†and not thinking anything of it at the time but as you get older, you may know start to understand. Maintaining good posture goes beyond appearance, it can prevent strain on your…
A woman is lying on the ground in front of a car.

ICBC Benefits for Motor Vehicle Accidents (MVAs)

Motor Vehicle Accidents (MVAs)     You’re driving to work on a rainy morning in Kelowna and you’re making a turn onto another road. You have to slow down suddenly in the turning lane and someone rear ends you because they were going too fast to stop. What do you…
A woman sitting at a desk with two laptops.

Top 10 Tips for Sitting At Work

Top 10 Tips for Sitting At Work       So, your back and neck hurt constantly. You’re sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen all day at work and you don’t have any pain relief until you are up and moving. What could be the cause? A…
A person is sleeping on the table with their head down.

Chronic Fatigue & Chiropractic Care

How Chronic Fatigue Can Be Resolved with Chiropractic Care           Do you constantly feel like you just can’t get enough sleep? Has sleep lost its refreshing magic that it once had? Are you getting frustrated with your inability to focus, concentrate, or remember things? If you…
A woman sitting at her laptop with one hand on the ear.

Back & Neck Pain, Headaches & Migraines

Back & Neck Pain, Headaches & Migraines       Chiropractic care can prove to be very beneficial for pain in the neck, back, and low back. In addition to this, many patients who suffer from headaches and migraines show great results in the reduction of their symptoms with chiropractic…